Purple Rose limited

Customized asterisk development

Top Benefits Of Customized Asterisk Development

Customized Asterisk development refers to the process of tailoring the open-source Asterisk telephony software to meet the specific needs of a particular organization or application. Asterisk is a highly flexible and customizable platform that allows developers to create custom telephony solutions, such as PBX systems, IVR applications, and call centers. It involves working with the […]

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Hosted IP Telephony

What is a Hosted IP Telephony system, and what are its benefits?

Nowadays, companies starting from startups and MNCs, are adopting hosted IP telephony as a business communications tool. But Why? It’s due to several benefits of hosted VoIP, including affordability, dependability, convenience, and flexibility.  Here we will discuss IP telephony and its benefits for your business. So let’s get started. What is hosted IP telephony? Hosted […]

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